/ Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool / Suurelehine brunnera

Suurelehine brunnera

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Suurelehine brunnera 1

Suurelehine brunnera

Süstemaatiline kuuluvus (APG IV)
Riik: Taimed (Plantae)
Klaad: Soontaimed (Tracheophyta)
Klaad: Katteseemnetaimed (Angiospermae)
Klaad: Päriskaheidulehelised (Eudicotyledonae)
Selts: Karelehelaadsed / Boraginales
Sugukond: Karelehelised / Boraginaceae
Perekond: Brunnera / Brunnera
Liik: Suurelehine brunnera / Brunnera macrophylla (J. F. Adams) I. M. Johnst.

Botaaniline kirjeldus
Suurelehine brunnera on mitmeaastane rohttaim kareleheliste sugukonnast, perekonnast brunnera. Kasvult on taim püstine. Kogu taim on karedakarvane. Maa alla moodustab ta jämeda pika risoomi. Kõrguselt on suurelehine brunnera kuni 50 cm pikk. Alumised lehed on 5-20 cm pikad, südajad, sulgroodsed ja teravatipulised. Õisik on mitmeõieline lihtne kobar. Õiekate on kaheli, viietine (neljatine).  Õietupp on umbes 1 mm pikkune, see moodustub aluselt kokkukasvanud teravatipulistest tupplehtedest. Kroonlehed on aluselt samuti kokku kasvanud ja nende läbimõõt 3-4 mm, õievärvus on helesinine. Õis meenutab meelespea õit. Õitsemise aeg on aprillis ja mais. [1] 

Suureleheline brunnera on pärit Kaukaasiast, kus ta kasvab rohumaadel. [1] Kultiveeritakse laialdaselt vähenõudliku ja varju taluva ning kevadist õie-ja haljusilu pakkuva aiataimena. Varjulises aias võib ta pisut metsistuda.

Toime ja kasutamine
Kasutatakse iluaianduses, haljastuses. Aretatud on mitmeid sorte. Suurelehelist brunnerat on kasutatud ka rahvameditsiinis. Näiteks kasutati taime lehti nahahädade ja juuri seedeprobleemide raviks. Kuigi neid kasutusviise pole teaduslikult tõestatud. [2]

Kasutatud allikad
1. Streeter, D. (2018). Collins Wildflower guide. 2ⁿᵈ edition. London: HarperCollins Publishers
2. Kitching, A. (2023). Siberian Bugloss. Wild Flower Web. http://www.wildflowerweb.co.uk/plant/2109/siberian-bugloss (02.10.2023).

Siberian bugloss

Classification (APG IV)
Species: Siberian bugloss - Brunnera macrophylla (J. F. Adams) I. M. Johnst.

Botanical Description
The siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Boraginaceae and the genus Brunnera. It has an upright growth habit, and the entire plant is covered with coarse hairs. The plant develops a thick, long rhizome underground. The height of the plant can reach up to 50 cm.

The basal leaves are heart-shaped, 5–20 cm long, pinnately veined, and tapering to a pointed tip. The inflorescence is a simple raceme with multiple flowers. The flower structure is bilayered and typically five-parted (occasionally four-parted). The calyx is about 1 mm long and is composed of fused, pointed sepals at the base. The petals are also fused at the base, with a diameter of 3–4 mm, and are light blue in color. The flowers resemble those of the forget-me-not (Myosotis). The flowering period is in April and May. [1]

The Siberian Bugloss originates from the Caucasus region, where it grows in grasslands. [1] It is widely cultivated for ornamental purposes due to its low maintenance, tolerance for shade, and ability to add beauty to gardens with its springtime foliage and flowers. In shaded gardens, it may naturalize slightly.

Primarily used in ornamental horticulture and landscaping, with various cultivated varieties available. Siberian bugloss has also been utilized in traditional medicine. For instance, its leaves were used to treat skin conditions, and its roots were used for digestive issues, though these uses lack scientific validation. [2]

1. Streeter, D. (2018). Collins Wildflower Guide, 2nd edition. London: HarperCollins Publishers.
2. Kitching, A. (2023). Siberian Bugloss. Wild Flower Web. http://www.wildflowerweb.co.uk/plant/2109/siberian-bugloss (Accessed 02.10.2023).